Curiouser and Curiouser started in 2011. The name, as many have probably recognised, comes from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. It has become the unofficial quote for my wedding in 2012 which is themed around my favourite novel from childhood. All quotes are subjective to the individual and to me "curiouser and curiouser" prompts the reader to constantly look at life and question the ordinary and in my case, to accept the extraordinary! Curiouser and Curiouser has the sub title of "Creating Your Own Wonderland", it is a lifestyle site that hopefully attempts to prompt the reader to do just that, add a bit of sparkle to their own lives whether it be to try new things, eat new foods or purely to beautify the world you live in and create your very own "wonderland". I often wished life was more like that book and I firmly believe that we can all, in our own way, make that come true.
I have yet to find a career that unites my passions and therefore I am spending my time discussing those things close to my heart on here. I am getting married in 2012 and have been working on perfecting my inner domestic goddess whilst maintaining my feminist leanings, this is a constant dichotomy that I am learning to deal with.
I live with my partner "P" and our menagerie of animals, a dog named Roxy, a french lop rabbit called Ranger and three cats, Rufus, Keira and Darcy